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Read Series: Inspector Hannasyde

by Author Georgette Heyer


They Found Him Dead (1970)

I find that when I read Georgette Heyer novels, I keep on thinking; "Okay this one was better than the last one I read..." then I read this one and it's like: "Okay nevermind, this one was THE BEST one I've read so far!" I have a feeling that's going to keep happening whenever I read one of her m...

They Found Him Dead (1970) by Georgette Heyer

Behold, Here's Poison (2006)

I found this a thoroughly enjoyable read, though it didn't start off so promising...  The characters initially seem so horrible and unlikeable that it's clear Heyer doesn't even want us to like them-- yet.  Gradually, they grow on you.  (Or, well, at least they grew on me, and I've seen other rev...

Behold, Here's Poison (2006) by Georgette Heyer