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Read Series: Inspector Hazelrigg

by Author Michael Gilbert


Death Has Deep Roots (2015)

The woman was young, French, and on trial for murdering a man said to be her ex-lover and the father of her dead child: an English major who had been one of the great heroes of the French Underground Resistance. during the war. Mr. Macrea, hired to be her attorney on the first day of the trial, m...

Death Has Deep Roots (2015) by Michael Gilbert

Fear to Tread (1981)

Once you start to follow Mr. Wetherall, headmaster of a London high school, in his one-man war on rime and the black-market, you will find it hard to leave him until victory is his.

Fear to Tread (1981) by Michael Gilbert

Close Quarters (2007)

Although it was first published in 1947, Gilbert began this novel in the years immediately before World War II and didn't finish it until he returned from active duty. Set behind the walls of the residential Close of Melchester Cathedral, it's a classic British mystery in which a young Scotland Y...

Close Quarters (2007) by Michael Gilbert

Smallbone Deceased (1986)

"a parte la chiesa cattolica, che è una riconosciuta conoscitrice del comportamento umano, non esiste nessuno più rapido di un avvocato nell'avvertire le prime, vaghe tracce di uno scandalo: quello speciale, sfuggente odore di qualcosa che non è esattamente come dovrebbe essere"giallo molto class...

Smallbone Deceased (1986) by Michael Gilbert