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Read Series: Inspector Rebus

by Author Ian Rankin


Exit Music (2015)

The creators of popular fictional detectives have always been faced with a taxing dilemma. Do they allow their characters to age in (or at least close to) real time, or do they leave them in an eternal prime, letting neither age weary them nor the years condemn. Prime examples of the latter appro...

Exit Music (2015) by Ian Rankin

Resurrection Men (2004)

Επιστροφή στη Σκωτία μετά το Outlander, στη σύγχρονη εκδοχή της αυτή τη φορά, για να συναντήσουμε έναν ντετέκτιβ, που εγώ τον λάτρεψα (όχι όμως και οι συνάδελφοί του)!!!! Ο Τζον Ρέμπους, λοιπόν, ο ντετέκτιβ της σειράς του Ίαν Ράνκιν, με βάση το Ενδιμβούργο, είναι από τους καλύτερους ντετέκτιβ του...

Resurrection Men (2004) by Ian Rankin

Beggars Banquet (2015)

Beggars Banquet is a collection of short stories written by Ian Rankin and published in various magazines from 1991 to 2000. To me it was a bit disappointing because I loved A Good Hanging and Other Short Stories so much but this one felt like something was missing. The 21 short stories lacked a ...

Beggars Banquet (2015) by Ian Rankin

Set in Darkness (2001)

Set in Darkness begins at Queensbury House, part of the complex of buildings that will soon house the new Scottish parliament. All around new structures are being put up, but Queensbury House is part of the old that is being kept and refurbished. In the process of fixing things up a body is disco...

Set in Darkness (2001) by Ian Rankin

Tooth and Nail (1998)

From the opening sentence of the novel, we know who the serial killer is. Not the name of the killer, but certain defining characteristics and the exact modis operandi of the crimes are clearly spelled out. And the London police, after 4 killings in as many months, have got it all wrong. But, aft...

Tooth and Nail (1998) by Ian Rankin

A Question of Blood (2005)

"Não há mistério nenhum."Acreditem quer não é assim que começa este thriller misterioso que se desenrola na cidade de Edimburgo. Preparem-se porque "Uma Questão de Sangue" é surpreendente até à última página."Sangue espalhado pelo chão e pelas paredes. Sangue por todo o lado. Sangue com histórias...

A Question of Blood (2005) by Ian Rankin

Knots and Crosses (1995)

This could have been so much more. The concept or story is fantastic. I wanted to like it. I started out liking it. Unfortunately, as the story went on I noticed where it should have been amazing and wasn’t. ‘Knots and Crosses’ wasn’t bad, but it fell far short of its potential. This means ...

Knots and Crosses (1995) by Ian Rankin

A Good Hanging: Short Stories (2004)

An omnibus of twelve short stories in the Detective Inspector Rebus mystery series revolving around an Edinburgh detective.This was an odd collection with most of the stories not feeling very Rebus-like. I don't know if it has simply been too long since I've read a Rebus or if Rankin needs more p...

A Good Hanging: Short Stories (2004) by Ian Rankin

The Naming of the Dead (2007)

GR8 murder mystery in midst of G8 SummitThere is a lot happening in “The Naming of the Dead” other than the murders Inspector John Rebus is investigating in and near Edinburgh, namely:i)tthe G8 summit in Edinburgh in July 2005ii)tthe Live8 concert also held in July 2005 in various locations inclu...

The Naming of the Dead (2007) by Ian Rankin

Mortal Causes (1997)

It's been quite a long time since I read a Rebus novel and I really enjoyed getting to know the character again. I was surprised by how familiar I was with the supporting cast. I think this is the sixth book in the series and the cast has grown quite large but all the characters seemed well devel...

Mortal Causes (1997) by Ian Rankin

The Hanging Garden (1999)

by Ian Rankin, published in 1998.This is the ninth Inspector Rebus novel and is not less fantastic than the last eight. In this volume we get to see more of Rebus’s family relationships, and it’s interesting to say the least.Maybe this is a strange comparison, but I find Rebus akin to Captain Kir...

The Hanging Garden (1999) by Ian Rankin

Fleshmarket Close (2015) –A pair of skeletons revealed under the concrete slab of a pub, a dead immigrant, a missing young woman, a dead rapist, a Glasgow thug operating a nightclub in Edinburgh – so many disparate threads, each one proving to be elusive. So it is up to Rebu...

Fleshmarket Close (2015) by Ian Rankin