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Read Series: Jack Parlabane

by Author Christopher Brookmyre


Attack Of The Unsinkable Rubber Ducks (2007)

I was very annoyed to find out that this would be the last of the Parlabane books. That he would die and that he would be killed off by a psychic was just too much. I was going to register my protest by not reading the damn thing – I mean, who do these damn authors think they are? They create ...

Attack Of The Unsinkable Rubber Ducks (2007) by Christopher Brookmyre

Quite Ugly One Morning (1997)

Gruesome but very funny shenanigans in this novel with Brookmyre’s Jack Parlabane in pursuit of one Stephen Lime, an obnoxious Thatcherite businessman who is fleecing the NHS and seeking to get rich quick by closing a geriatric hospital and flogging its prime site in the centre of Edinburgh to a ...

Quite Ugly One Morning (1997) by Christopher Brookmyre

Country Of The Blind (1998)

The second Jack Parlabane mystery finds four burglars robbing a mansion and finding the occupants already murdered. The occupants are media mogul Roland Voss (of comparable stature to Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch), his wife, and their two security guards, and naturally the media descend on ...

Country Of The Blind (1998) by Christopher Brookmyre