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Read Series: James Family

by Author Jennifer Haymore


Season of Seduction (2010)

After the disaster of Rebecca's first marriage, she is now a widow and in search of a change in her life. Its been four years since she was married, and has hidden herself away. Now she is ready to enjoy life and desires a night full of passion. So she goes in search of a man that could meet her ...

Season of Seduction (2010) by Jennifer Haymore

Um Toque de Perversão (2011)

Lo empecé creyendo que entre las paginas de esta novela podria haber una bonita historia de amor, pero en el fondo, tenia muchas, muchas dudas. Aun asi, queria probar las letras de Jennifer y ver si la trama superaba mis expectativas. ¿El resultado? No fue de mi agrado ver como Sophie tenia sus e...

Um Toque de Perversão (2011) by Jennifer Haymore