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Read Series: John Pearce

by Author David Donachie


An Awkward Commission (2007)

Stranded in Portsmouth, John Pearce has once again failed to secure the release of those who depended on him - his fellow Pelicans. They have been shipped off to the Mediterranean while he was indulging himself in London. He must take ship and follow them.

An Awkward Commission (2007) by David Donachie

By the Mast Divided (2007)

London 1793: Young firebrand John Pearce is illegally pressganged from the refuge of the Pelican tavern to a brutal life aboard HMS Brilliant, a frigate on its way to war. In the first few days Pearce discovers the Navy is a world in which he can prosper. But he is not alone; he is drawn to a gro...

By the Mast Divided (2007) by David Donachie

A Shot Rolling Ship (2006)

Pressed into King George's Navy for the second time in a month, John Pearce and his Pelicans find themselves working aboard the HMS Brazen, sailing the Channel from Plymouth to Dover in search of the numerous French privateers that prey on English merchant shipping: her task to stop them and, if ...

A Shot Rolling Ship (2006) by David Donachie