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Read Series: Kane & Abel

by Author Jeffrey Archer


Shall We Tell the President? (1983)

'Shall We Tell The President' is something a bit different from Jeffrey Archer. Instead of his usual character-driven epics, we're treated to a lean, taut political thriller involving the potential assassination of US President Florentyna Kane. First, a clarification: 'Shall We Tell The President...

Shall We Tell the President? (1983) by Jeffrey Archer

Kane and Abel (2004)

With such a clear allusion to the dysfunctional brothers in Genesis, we were intrigued. Would the Able character in Jeffrey Archer’s novel suffer a cruel fate at the hands of his brother? Does the title even refer to a pair of brothers? Does the title even refer to people? Is Jeffery Archer e...

Kane and Abel (2004) by Jeffrey Archer