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Read Series: Liebermann Papers

by Author Frank Tallis


Vienna Blood (2007)

I found this book frustrating/irritating, because the author was constantly describing things that are hard to describe in words, such as music and paintings and food. The book needs illustrations! And maybe an accompanying CD of German art-songs and opera excerpts!It would make an exciting movie...

Vienna Blood (2007) by Frank Tallis

Mortal Mischief (2006)

Mord, Dekadenz und Geisterbeschwörung: ein Krimi aus dem Wien der Jahrhundertwende. Wien, Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Der Tod des jungen Mediums Charlotte Löwenstein gibt Rätsel auf. Es gibt keine Spuren von Gewalt, ein Abschiedsbrief deutet auf Selbstmord hin. Der Polizist Reinhardt glaubt we...

Mortal Mischief (2006) by Frank Tallis

Les Mensonges de l'esprit (2008)

This is the second mystery in this series that I've read, and for some reason this one wasn't quite as interesting as the first one. Takes place a military school for boys in Germany in the early 1900s, where strange things are happening. Boys are dying, and no one can figure out why the boy whos...

Les Mensonges de l'esprit (2008) by Frank Tallis