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Read Series: Little Blue Envelope

by Author Maureen Johnson


13 Little Blue Envelopes (2009)

I really, really loved this book. It was unlike anything I've read before.There were some things I didn't like. One was Ginny and Keith. They were sort of cute, but it seemed a little convenient about how Keith just kept popping up wherever Ginny was. The other thing I didn't like was how Ginny's...

13 Little Blue Envelopes (2009) by Maureen Johnson

The Last Little Blue Envelope (2011)

Oh, Maureen Johnson, what have you done? You couldn't have just stopped with the first book and let me believe that those two crazy kids somehow made things work despite the ocean between them.Before I go on, this review is going to be very, very spoilery. And very, very long. This is like a s...

The Last Little Blue Envelope (2011) by Maureen Johnson

De laatste envelop (2011)

It is weird that I like a sequel better than the first book, but this was the case with this book. when I found out that this book existed and I had read the summary I was very doubtful about reading it, since the first one hadn't made a very lasting impression on me. But boy am I glad I did. I l...

De laatste envelop (2011) by Maureen Johnson