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Read Series: Lost Swords

by Author Fred Saberhagen


The Seventh Book of Lost Swords: Wayfinder's Story (1993)

As usual, Fred Saberhagen really delivers with The Seventh Book of Lost Swords: Wayfinder's Story. This story follows Wayfinder, a god-forged sword with the power to lead its holder to his or her most cherished goal. This story takes a lot of unexpected twists and turns as the swords switches h...

The Seventh Book of Lost Swords: Wayfinder's Story (1993) by Fred Saberhagen

The Second Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinder's Story (1995)

In The Second Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinder's Story, Saberhagen finally gives a name and a face to the Ancient One introduced in the First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story to the realm of the Swords.This story follows Yambu, Zoltan and Ben as they attempt to use Sightblinder, a god fo...

The Second Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinder's Story (1995) by Fred Saberhagen

The Third Book of Lost Swords: Stonecutter's Story (1989)

Young Kasimir was the custodian of Stonecutter, the sword which could hew mountains or diamonds with equal ease. But now, Stonecutter has been stolen, and Kasimir must recover it before it causes irrevocable damage. "An entertainment of high order."--Publishers Weekly.

The Third Book of Lost Swords: Stonecutter's Story (1989) by Fred Saberhagen

The First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story (1988)

There are twelve swords that were forged by the gods. They are swords of both made for the annihilation of your enemy and the healing of your allies. This is the story of the sword Woundhealer. even though it is not a sword that can be used offensively it is still sought after by many. The book b...

The First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story (1988) by Fred Saberhagen

The Last Book of Swords: Shieldbreaker's Story (1995)

Long ago, the gods forged Twelve Swords of Power and threw them on the gameboard of life for greedy mortals to scramble over. Too late, the gods learned that they had forged too well; the Swords could kill the gods themselves. Now, ages later, the Swords are back in human hands, as powerful as e...

The Last Book of Swords: Shieldbreaker's Story (1995) by Fred Saberhagen

The Fourth Book of Lost Swords: Farslayer's Story (1990)

Long, long ago, the Gods forged Twelve Swords of Power, each with a unique and deadly quality. They forged too well, for the swords could kill the Gods themselves. Then the swords were lost, scattered across the land; and many are they, both good and evil, who are desperate to find them again.

The Fourth Book of Lost Swords: Farslayer's Story (1990) by Fred Saberhagen

The Sixth Book of Lost Swords: Mindsword's Story (1991)

Long ago, the gods forged Twelve Swords of Power and threw them on the gameboard of life for men to scramble over. But they forged too well; the Swords could kill the gods themselves.Now the great Mindsword reenters the world of men, bringing others' mindless devotion to him who wields it: Prince...

The Sixth Book of Lost Swords: Mindsword's Story (1991) by Fred Saberhagen