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Read Series: Magids

by Author Diana Wynne Jones


Deep Secret (2002)

4.5 starsOriginally posted here at Random Musings of a Bibliophile.I'm still making my way through the full backlist of Diana Wynne Jones. Since I was participating in the 48 Hour Book Challenge last weekend, I decided it was a good time to tackle Deep Secret. I've owned this book for a while but...

Deep Secret (2002) by Diana Wynne Jones

The Merlin Conspiracy (2004)

I had just finished The Coldest Winter Ever and needed a fluffy detox. So I picked up an old childhood favorite. If you didn’t grow up reading Dianna Wynne Jones, you are severely deprived. She was one of the greatest children’s literature authors of all time. She wrote Howl’s Moving Castle, whic...

The Merlin Conspiracy (2004) by Diana Wynne Jones