Beck revisits territory familiar from his debut novel, He's the One (2003), a romantic comedy in which his protagonist, Daniel, a sometimes drag queen, gardens by moonlight in the hope of attracting the attentions of handsome neighbor Blaine. Now in the aftermath of their romance, ex-lover Daniel...
Being Invisible Is Nick Dunill's M.O. For nineteen years, he's been "the one who disappears" to his disapproving, Midwestern family. And now in New York City, a metropolis of anonymity built on not making eye contact, he feels right at home. Walking the streets of the Village, sneaking into di...
After twenty years of loyal service, Detective Jane Bauer is just two months and one case away from leaving the NYPD for a cushy desk job. Her last assignment: working for a special unit that tackles unsolved crimes. At a crossroads in her personal life, Jane relishes the chance to lose herself i...
Newly promoted to detective first-grade with the NYPD, Jane Bauer, is back to work after a nearly fatal run-in with a killer. But while she’s happy to be back on the job, her new assignment–another cold case–seems to hold little promise of being solved. Eight years ago, Anderson Stratton, a schi...
“Detective Jane Bauer is a most welcome addition to the ranks of fictional cops.”–Peter RobinsonWhen NYPD detective Jane Bauer and her team check in for their new assignment, they reopen a cold case that’s a real killer. Ten years earlier, police responding to a spate of late-night 911 calls from...