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Read Series: Medieval Misadventures

by Author Margo Maguire


Norwyck's Lady (2002)

Bartholomew, Earl of Norwyck, learned well the lesson of treachery from his late wife. What then, should he make of “Lady Marguerite,” the mysterious beauty he rescues from a shipwreck, who claims ignorance of her true identity? Is she an enemy sent to destroy him, or an angel come to heal his w...

Norwyck's Lady (2002) by Margo Maguire

Bride of the Isle (2002)

"Get out, Ye bloodthirsty half-breed"--Since the infamous Battle of Falkirk, Cristiane MacDhiubh had these words and worse hurled at her in the village streets. Half Scot, half English, she could claim no place as home--until the Lord of Bitterlee, as gallant a knight as any could dream, came in ...

Bride of the Isle (2002) by Margo Maguire