I wanted to like this series so much more than I did. I usually drift towards food-related fiction, and a manga about someone who wants to be sushi chef? I'm there. However, this was not the best start to the story. There is no character development, whatsoever. You get the summary on the ba...
I've been trying out manga here and there and this one looked interesting enough.Hanayu Ashitaba is the daughter of parents who cook pastries and own a shop that sells them. But ever since one fateful trip to get sushi all Hanayu has wanted to do is be a sushi chef! So at her school (mainly for c...
This one was one that grew on me.When it started, I really didn't get the main character. I mean, why do you have to marry someone to go and do what you want? At first, I thought this might be a Japanese thing, but I asked a friend of mine who grew up in Japan about it, she said it wasn't a cult...