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Read Series: Monster Hunter International

by Author Larry Correia


Monster Hunter Nemesis signed edition (2014)

Another fantastic story from Larry Correia. This time the MHI crew is largely out of the picture as we follow Franks on his one man mission to stop the Nemesis project. Gaining a new appreciation for Franks, I enjoyed this book immensely. As always I was impressed with the humor, and impressed it...

Monster Hunter Nemesis signed edition (2014) by Larry Correia

Monster Hunter Nemesis (2014)

I so love this series! It was great to find out about some of the other players in the story. Franks, you are so much more than I ever thought! If you have been reading this series you won't be dissatisfied with this installment, and only enough, if you have never read any of the books, you could...

Monster Hunter Nemesis (2014) by Larry Correia

Alfa (2013)

This book was a bit of a departure for the series. The first two books are written in first person, and they follow the same main character, Owen. This book leaves that character behind and changes to third person perspective. I can see why it had to be that way. This story didn't have anything ...

Alfa (2013) by Larry Correia

Vendeta (2013)

Vendetta er önnur bókin í bókaröðinni Monster Hunter International eftir Larry Correia sem er nútíma fantasía um einkarekið fyrirtæki sem berst gegn skrýmslum og öðrum óværum gegn greiðslu.Vendetta er sjálfstætt framhald af fyrstu sögunni þar sem aðalsöguhetjan Owen Pitt olli reiði hættulegs ands...

Vendeta (2013) by Larry Correia

Lovci monster s.r.o. (2012)

Monster Hunter International is a actionfilled book about (more or less) regular guys killing supernatural stuff. Many books do that (God Touched and more or less Mercy Thompson and so on...) but MHI made me feel like watching a action movie. It was awesome and fans of the action genre should try...

Lovci monster s.r.o. (2012) by Larry Correia