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Read Series: Nic Costa

by Author David Hewson


The Garden Of Evil (2008)

Non c’è tregua per la squadra investigativa di Nic Costa, l’intraprendente poliziotto romano amante dell’arte sempre alle prese con casi collegati ad elementi antichi; anche questa volta infatti Nic si trova ad intervenire in un caso a dir poco complesso, una serie di omicidi apparentemente colle...

The Garden Of Evil (2008) by David Hewson

The Seventh Sacrament (2007)

From Publishers Weekly The intricate fifth thriller from British author Hewson to feature Roman detective Nic Costa (after 2006's The Lizard's Bite) artfully weaves several points-of-view as it shifts between past and present. Fourteen years after seven-year-old Alessio Bramante, the son of an em...

The Seventh Sacrament (2007) by David Hewson

The Sacred Cut (2006)

I think so far this is my least favourite of the Nic Costa series. I have read 4 of them. I would suggest that this could be a case of an author starting well and then fading with a hero that they should have stopped writing about, but I have read Books 1-3 (this is book 3) and book 5 (I read the...

The Sacred Cut (2006) by David Hewson

A Season For The Dead (2004)

The year 2003 saw the appearance of Dan Brown’s second novel featuring his Robert Langdon character (‘The Da Vinci Code’ however was the first to be published) and the resultant ‘jumping on the bandwagon of a large number of authors trying to emulate the commercial success of that novel. I’m not ...

A Season For The Dead (2004) by David Hewson

The Villa Of Mysteries (2005)

Second in David Hewson's very good series featuring Nic Costa. I beg to differ with many people about this book -- I thought it was quite good, and I've already bought and plan to read next Hewson's Sacred Cut, 3rd in the series. I really enjoy a good mystery and this book did not disappoint. I w...

The Villa Of Mysteries (2005) by David Hewson

The Lizard's Bite (2007)

Nic Costa series, #4If you haven't read the previous books in the series, stop here. If you have, you'll remember that at the end of the last one (The Sacred Cut), the main characters, Nic Costa, Gianni Peroni and their boss Leo Falcone, have been exiled to Venice for awhile for a slight matte...

The Lizard's Bite (2007) by David Hewson

Gevallen Engel (2013)

I am an avid detective story fan, especially when the story is set in a place I love and the detective involved is thoughtful, insightful and intelligent – someone I would enjoy knowing outside the pages of a book. Donna Leon’s Venetian detective Guido Brunetti is the prime example I have encount...

Gevallen Engel (2013) by David Hewson