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Read Series: Quarters

by Author Tanya Huff


Fifth Quarter (1995)

THE SONG OF DEATH- Bannon and Vree, brother and sister, they are assassins of the highest caliber who have long plied their trade for the Havalkeen army. But all their skill and experience cannot save them from a magic-sprung trap that will see the two forced to share one body when the very man ...

Fifth Quarter (1995) by Tanya Huff

No Quarter (1996)

Gyhard and Vree have abandoned the Empire for the kingdom of Shkoder, hoping to enlist the bards' aid in finding Gyhard a body of his own. But there are those who have more insidious plans for them--those who will stop at nothing to exact revenge upon Gyhard no matter whose body he's in.

No Quarter (1996) by Tanya Huff

Sing the Four Quarters (1994)

To call the kigh was the height of bard's magic. Only those born with the gift could learn to Sing these spirits of earth, air, fire and water into doing their bidding, and even someone as gifted as the Princess Annice must spend years studying at the Bardic Hall to truly master the Art. And for ...

Sing the Four Quarters (1994) by Tanya Huff