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Read Series: Royal Agents

by Author Connie Brockway


All Through the Night (1997)

A woman compelled. . . In the glittering world of Regency England, Anne Wilder played a dangerous game.  A widowed lady by day, by night she became a masked thief preying on society's elite.  She roved high above London's black rooftops, compelled by phantoms from her past to take ever greater r...

All Through the Night (1997) by Connie Brockway

No Place for a Dame (2013)

I don't understand how there could be ANY negative reviews for this book. I admit, I didn't know this was part of a series and read it as a stand alone....but I loved it. I thought that Giles and Avery were incredibly well developed characters and the other character's issues (Neville w/ his mom...

No Place for a Dame (2013) by Connie Brockway

Verliebt in die Sterne (2014)

Avery Quinn has had an unorthodox upbringing for the offspring of the Marquise of Strand's gamekeeper. Educated far beyond expectations, Avery's sole ambition is to become a member of the Royal Astronomical Society; the only problem being the Society is male only, and Avery is a woman. Enter Gile...

Verliebt in die Sterne (2014) by Connie Brockway