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Read Series: Sabina Kane

by Author Jaye Wells


Rouge sang, noir magie (2011)

I absolutely LOVE Sabina Kane as a main character. She isn't your run of the mill, goody goody heroine that bad stuff happens to. Sabina is a bad girl, she makes mistakes, and a lot of the tragedy surrounding her comes from bad decisions she's made. Her awesomeness comes from her ability to us...

Rouge sang, noir magie (2011) by Jaye Wells

Métisse (2011)

This book is not perfect and I tend to agree with most of the criticisms I have read here : the dialogs are sometimes a bit juvenile, the characters lack depth and the heroine seems really insensitive. However, the story is very interesting and the action is well paced. The world created by the a...

Métisse (2011) by Jaye Wells

The Green-Eyed Demon (2011)

***½ 2.5 starsI think it was a bit of a stretch. The book should have ended sooner.

The Green-Eyed Demon (2011) by Jaye Wells

Green-Eyed Demon. by Jaye Wells (2011)

4.5 stars Once again another great book from Jaye Wells, can't wait to read the last two!!!!

Green-Eyed Demon. by Jaye Wells (2011) by Jaye Wells

Blue-Blooded Vamp (2012)

What a ride. I enjoyed how the story turned out, but once again G took over, distracting and taking away from Sabina's story. He felt like comic relief that fell flat. Especially after everything Sabina went through to defeat Cain. The fact that her father has been alive this entire time and just...

Blue-Blooded Vamp (2012) by Jaye Wells

Silver-Tongued Devil (2012)

These books seriously just keep on getting better and better. Every sentence, every page just keeps getting better!!On a plot point, the story was marred with tragedy in the loss of some crucial characters in this book. But I have to say... Whilst Maisie's death was very sad, when it appeared tha...

Silver-Tongued Devil (2012) by Jaye Wells

Green-Eyed Demon (2011)

Jaye Wells really takes the Sabina Kane series to the next level in Green-Eyed Demon. While you still get heart stopping action, unparalleled world building, and intelligent, laugh-out-loud, witty dialogue, you also get a whole new range of emotions. The empathy and sympathy run strong while re...

Green-Eyed Demon (2011) by Jaye Wells

The Mage in Black (2010)

Sabina Kane in New York. Mit einem Dämonen Kater.Und obwohl sie eigentlich keinen Ärger machen wollte, stieß sie natürlich direkt mit den Werwölfen zusammen. Kein guter Start ins neue Leben, bei den Magiern.Ein rasanter zweiter Teil der Vampir Reihe. Ab und an kommt es etwas ins Stocken, um dann...

The Mage in Black (2010) by Jaye Wells

Red-Headed Stepchild (2009)

Women are better than that. I like to think that we have something more important to do with our lives than ogle every attractive man in our vicinity. The heroine's on a dangerous mission, sees a super-hot alpha-male and all she thinks about is "Oh I'm lonely, I want sex, I haven't gotten laid in...

Red-Headed Stepchild (2009) by Jaye Wells