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Read Series: Safe-keepers

by Author Sharon Shinn


The Truth-Teller's Tale (2007)

I'm going to give this book a solid B. The characters are reasonably likable. The premise is interesting: mirror twin girls, one destined to always tell the truth, the other destined to always keep secrets. And, the plot threads for the most part tie up neatly (if a tad predictably) at the end. H...

The Truth-Teller's Tale (2007) by Sharon Shinn

The Dream-Maker's Magic (2006)

THE DREAM-MAKER'S MAGIC is the third book in Sharon Shinn's Safe-Keepers trilogy. This trilogy is YA fantasy set in an unnamed kingdom in which, along with your average, run-of-the-mill people, there are also three sorts of quite special folk. The safe-keepers, the truth-tellers, and the dream-ma...

The Dream-Maker's Magic (2006) by Sharon Shinn

The Safe-Keeper's Secret (2005)

This is a mixed review, and I don't know what number of stars to give this book. Normally, I just wouldn't review it in those circumstances, but this time, the issue is too important for me not to talk about it in public.So.This is a beautifully written book, with wonderful characters, in a serie...

The Safe-Keeper's Secret (2005) by Sharon Shinn