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Read Series: Shadowfell

by Author Juliet Marillier


Ravenvlucht (2013)

This second book in the Shadowfell series was pretty good. I think in some ways it was less engaging than the first. Neryn must travel to the west and the north to learn from some of the "Big Ones" about how to use her powers. A lot of explanation is provided as to the why and wherefore of the ki...

Ravenvlucht (2013) by Juliet Marillier

O Voo do Corvo (2000)

Just read Raven Flight by Juliet Marillier on my iPad and enjoyed it just as much as the first called Shadowfell. I have now downloaded the third called The Caller and already read the prologue. This series is coupled by interesting characters, smouldering love, a quest to win Alban back to its f...

O Voo do Corvo (2000) by Juliet Marillier

Raven Flight (2013)

Is a great continuation of the first book of this series, Shadowfell. The relationship of Neryn and Flint grows a little and you see a deeper resolution in Neryn. As usual Juliet can make you feel the seasons as your own. Still the time flows in this book slowly. One of the things I like more in ...

Raven Flight (2013) by Juliet Marillier

Shadowfell (2012)

When we begin the story, Neryn is a poor vagrant travelling with her father, and alcoholic with a severe gambling addiction. Her situation quickly changes, however, and she is thrust into a mysterious man’s protection, only to run away to the North, where she expects to find a refuge that may or ...

Shadowfell (2012) by Juliet Marillier