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Read Series: Sisters Of The Lone Star

by Author Joan Johnston


Comanche Woman (2002)

Overall Rating: 4.75:Action: 3.75 / Emotion: 5.0 / Romance: 5.0 / Sensuous: 2.0 / Suspense: 2.5 // Historical Flavor: 4.5 // Laughter: 1 // Teary: 3 / Tears: 5Comanche Woman: 4.75:Since Joan Johnston is a favorite author, it was not surprising that this exciting, entertaining, deeply emotional, w...

Comanche Woman (2002) by Joan Johnston

Texas Woman (2003)

The independent sovereign of the Republic of Texas in 1844 was battling with conflicting interests whether to allow annexation to the United States or not. It was during this time Sloan Stewart discovered her deceased lover Antonio Guerrero used her to aid in the effort to sabotage annexation. Pr...

Texas Woman (2003) by Joan Johnston

Frontier Woman (2001)

I always find the first book of a series a bit difficult to get totally absorbed by. This story started with the youngest of the Stewart daughters, Crickett. Crickett, is essentially a tom boy who is looking to please her father by being the son he has always wanted. However, Creed a Texas Ranger...

Frontier Woman (2001) by Joan Johnston