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Read Series: St. Kilda Consulting

by Author Elizabeth Lowell


Blue Smoke and Murder (2008)

Book #9 of 2013Whenever I drive to Mansfield, we pass this place called Salamanca in NY. It is usually late at night and maybe it is the perfect spot on the highway because we often stop to fill up the gas tank or to grab a road snack. It also happens to have a casino, always lit up just off the ...

Blue Smoke and Murder (2008) by Elizabeth Lowell

Always Time to Die (2006)

Former U.S. Senator Quintrell is dead.His son, New Mexico's governor, is preparing hisrun for the highest political office in the land.And dark family secrets are about to explode with the devastating force of a Southwestern earthquake. An eccentric Quintrell aunt has invited genealogist Carolina...

Always Time to Die (2006) by Elizabeth Lowell

The Wrong Hostage (2007)

The Wrong Hostage3.5 StarsGrace Silva is a federal judge backed into a corner when her teenage son is taken hostage by Mexican drug traffickers. With time running out, Grace turns to the only man she has ever loved and the one who believes she betrayed him 16 years ago: Joe Faroe, an operative wi...

The Wrong Hostage (2007) by Elizabeth Lowell

Innocent as Sin (2007)

I don't really know what to say, so maybe it's time for a story. Once upon a time I was sitting in a café where it was not frowned upon to buy a skim-soy weak decaf latte. I was with an old friend and her latest boyfriend who was wearing black jeans, black doc-martins (with purple laces) and a bl...

Innocent as Sin (2007) by Elizabeth Lowell

Death Echo (2010)

Two former operatives, one SpecOps, the other CIA, must pretend to be lovers while piloting a yatch as the center of an international intrigue that threatens an American city.The two are so sympatico that its almost impossible to believe that they've just meet. They fact that they're working for ...

Death Echo (2010) by Elizabeth Lowell

Death Echo CD (2010)

This book was a bit different than most of Elizabeth Lowell's writings. more intense and I don't believe she has ever had one of her St Kilda writings, at least that I have read, involve so many antagonists where you couldn't really tell good from bad until the last few pages. I was somewhat disa...

Death Echo CD (2010) by Elizabeth Lowell