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Read Series: Star Of The Guardians

by Author Margaret Weis


Ghost Legion (1993)

I found out a few weeks ago that a newer fourth novel existed to one of my favorite sci fi trilogies of childhood. Now, I sortve wish that I was still ignorant of that fact. It's not that the book is bad or even worse than the first three (which I loved!) but that i didn't feel that it added anyt...

Ghost Legion (1993) by Margaret Weis

King's Test (1991)

I just remembered something about the first book that I completely forgot about until I read part two. There's a character named Vangelis (and the author's note mentions the band Vangelis) and one with the last name Sagan (after Carl Sagan) and a character with the nickname Tusk. The beginning ch...

King's Test (1991) by Margaret Weis

The Lost King (1990)

Turns out, I still love this book. The danger of revisiting something from half a lifetime ago, not to mention something so formative on my opinions on space opera and science fiction, is the potential for enormous disappointment. Fortunately, for me at least, this book lived up to my memories o...

The Lost King (1990) by Margaret Weis

King's Sacrifice (1991)

This was a fine conclusion to a good trilogy. I like it when authors can put a definite end to a story.I normally associate these authors with fantasy, but this is a really fun space opera trilogy. A bit depressing, though. Still, lots of action with blood swords & blood space ships - only thos...

King's Sacrifice (1991) by Margaret Weis