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Read Series: Starship

by Author Mike Resnick


Starship: Mercenary (2007)

The date is 1968 of the Galactic Era, almost three thousand years from now. The Republic, created by the human race but not yet dominated by it, is in the midst of an all-out war with the Teroni Federation. Captain Wilson Cole, a man with a reputation for exceeding orders but getting results, fou...

Starship: Mercenary (2007) by Mike Resnick

Starship: Pirate (2006)

The date is 1967 of the Galactic Era, almost three thousand years from now. The Republic, created by the human race but not yet dominated by it, is in the midst of an all-out war with the Teroni Federation. After his latest exploit saved millions of lives but embarrassed his superiors, Captain Wi...

Starship: Pirate (2006) by Mike Resnick

Starship: Mutiny (2005)

The starship Theodore Roosevelt is fighting on the far outskirts of a galactic war, its crew made up of retreads and raw recruits. A new first officer reports, Wilson Cole, a man with a reputation for exceeding his orders (but getting results). He's been banished to the Teddy R. for his actions, ...

Starship: Mutiny (2005) by Mike Resnick