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Read Series: Strange Neighbors

by Author Ashlyn Chase


The Vampire Next Door (2011)

Honestly, I couldn't finish this book. I gave up about half way through. I checked it out from the library hoping for a nice light and humorous vampire romance, as opposed to the overly dramatic ones I have read in the past. Unfortunately the story was very weak, and I just couldn't stay inter...

The Vampire Next Door (2011) by Ashlyn Chase

The Werewolf Upstairs (2011)

Ugh, this book wasn't as good as the first one. I hated both characters especially the female. I got lost in the stories. It started out as one thing, then went into another plot. The side characters were cool and geez so glad Dottie is leaving. That whole trial was stupid. I just didn't like thi...

The Werewolf Upstairs (2011) by Ashlyn Chase

Strange Neighbors (2010)

Since I don't normally write reviews unless I have something specific to say, here's the break down of how I rate my books...1 star... This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author like the plague in the future.2 stars... This book was not very go...

Strange Neighbors (2010) by Ashlyn Chase