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Read Series: Sword Of Truth

by Author Terry Goodkind


Confessor (2007)

I came across this series accidentally and started it almost on a whim and, more than once, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to finish the series. Well, I finally did and while the series is far from perfect, it is a lot of fun with fascinating characters, a rich world and some very interesting ...

Confessor (2007) by Terry Goodkind

Soul of the Fire (2000)

La storia sarebbe stata anch abbastanza interessante: il salvataggio di Richard alla fine del libro precedente aveva evocato nel mondo i tre Rintocchi, altre armi magiche senzienti risalenti alla vecchia guerra (come i Mriswith e la Silph, la Spada della verità e il Legame dei Rahl). Solo che que...

Soul of the Fire (2000) by Terry Goodkind

Naked Empire (2004)

Anatomy of a Break-up:Going through a break-up or a divorce is never easy. The best of them are tinged with sadness and regret while the worst feel like a grenade going off in your chest. Worse still is the ending of a relationship that has lasted for many years and survived through adversity. We...

Naked Empire (2004) by Terry Goodkind

Blood of the Fold (1997)

Welcome to the next installment of WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ. Pull up a chair, and have a seat.So before we get to the explication of weirdness, a couple of things of note that might lend context to this review:1. With the exception of 2013, I’ve read one of these books a year. I can’t handle...

Blood of the Fold (1997) by Terry Goodkind

Stone of Tears (1995)

Trigger warning.Oh man! I filled both sides of an envelope with incomprehensible scribblings about how much this book sucked. I want to see how far I can get without referring to it, and then we'll see just how much I have forgotten. It's hard to say how long I can take this. What was this book, ...

Stone of Tears (1995) by Terry Goodkind

Chainfire (2005)

I really enjoyed this book if not for the frustration that had me wanting to tear my hair out. But for once it didn't so much have to do with Goodkind's writing as the characters themselves. Before I started Chainfire, I felt that maybe the books were getting a tad predictable. But this changed t...

Chainfire (2005) by Terry Goodkind

Wizard's First Rule (2003)

An Opinionated Look At:Terry Goodkind's Wizard's First RuleBy Eric AllenI've given Terry Goodkind some very, very harsh reviews of late, and I've had a LOT of comments on those reviews from angry fans. I claim to be a fan of The Sword of Truth, and yet I mercilessly thrash his newer work? So, I...

Wizard's First Rule (2003) by Terry Goodkind

Phantom (2006)

"Kahlan stood quietly in the shadows, watching, as evil knockedsoftly on the door."With that ominous line, Terry Goodkind plunges us into PHANTOM, thetenth entry in his Sword of Truth series (not including thenovella DEBT OF BONES). Picking up where CHAINFIRE left off, LordRichard Rahl is still s...

Phantom (2006) by Terry Goodkind

Faith of the Fallen (2001)

Faith of the FallenSword of Truth book #6By Terry GoodkindA Retroview by Eric AllenDue to my scathing reviews of Terry Goodkind's more recent work, I have recieved quite a few people saying that "if you claim to be so much of a Goodkind fan, then why don't you review one of his good books." So h...

Faith of the Fallen (2001) by Terry Goodkind

Temple of the Winds (2007)

It is always curious to see fantasy authors who don't consider themselves to be fantasy authors. Case-in-point: Terry Goodkind. The former landscape painter has told us how he isn't a fantasy author in every interview he's ever given:"The books I write are first of all novels, not fantasy, and th...

Temple of the Winds (2007) by Dick Hill

The Pillars of Creation (2002)

Well, to say this book surprised me would be the understatement of the year. When I cracked the spine of this baby, I fully expected to pick up where the sixth book had left me. That would be with Richard and Kahlan in the Old World.Instead I found myself with a girl named Jennsen, and later on w...

The Pillars of Creation (2002) by Terry Goodkind