Interrupted by a variety of cultures and customs, our reluctant hero heads ever homeward. Escaped from alien slavers, three-tailed Niyyuu escort human Marcus Walker, speech-augmented mutt George, cephalopod Sque, and gigantic Tuuqalian poet Braouk. When their three ships appear over Hyff, Ussakk ...
Successful Chicago commodities broker abducted by aliens Not a headline from the National Enquirer, just Marcus Walker’s own little Jerry Springer moment. He was indeed hustled aboard an alien Vilenjji starship, part of a cargo of primitive creatures bound for the “civilized” part of the galaxy,...
(from my blog was a fluffy thing about a modern Flash Gordon type who gets kidnapped into space along with a random dog. Now, I've read a lot of Alan Dean Foster, but most of those books have been movie or TV adaptations. It's something that he's very good a...