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Read Series: The Acts Of Caine

by Author Matthew Woodring Stover


Heroes Die (1999)

Okay, let me get the following BOLD STATEMENT out of the way. If I absolutely HAD to choose my single favorite BADASS “action” protagonist of all time HARI MICHELSON (AKA CAINE) would get the nod. Now I have read many books with main characters who “went to 11” on the 10 level kick-ass met...

Heroes Die (1999) by Matthew Woodring Stover

Blade of Tyshalle (2002)

Представете си вселена, която така и не е решила дали да бъде фантастика или фентъзи. Представихте ли си? Значи сте попаднали в света на “Острието на Тишал”. Мрачно бъдеще на нашата планета, в което практически цялото човечество се намира в робска зависимост от висшата класа на богатите, управляв...

Blade of Tyshalle (2002) by Matthew Woodring Stover

Caine Czarny Nóż (2010)

I was excited that in this novel, Stover stripped away one of the main things I didn't like about the other two--being forced to read from to POV of the other characters. Reading Heroes Die and Blade of Tyshalle, my favorite POV had always been Caine's POV, and so being able to hitch a ride on th...

Caine Czarny Nóż (2010) by Matthew Woodring Stover