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Read Series: The Belgariad

by Author David Eddings


La senda de la profecía (1989)

Belgarath el Hechicero atravesó la tenebrosa Ciudad de la Noche bajo la forma de un gran lobo, y guió a Cherek y a sus hijos hacia la torre de hierro de Torak, el dios Maldito. Una vez allí, Belgarath se transformó de nuevo en hombre y condujo a todos hasta los oxidados peldaños de una escalera p...

La senda de la profecía (1989) by David Eddings

Magician's Gambit (1983)

Our Travelogue of Eddingsworld Continues ...Yes, when each part of the book requires a new map that's centered on a new country that feels like a patch in a patchwork quilt, there's something a little wrong with the worldbuilding.That said, the story proceeds apace, with the annoying addition of ...

Magician's Gambit (1983) by David Eddings

Queen of Sorcery (1982)

I really really like the David Eddings books, and they were where I properly started out reading in the fantasy genre, back when I was thirteen or so. I adore them and have read them time and again. However, Queen of Sorcery is far from the strongest entry in the Belgariad, and this time during m...

Queen of Sorcery (1982) by David Eddings

Pawn of Prophecy (2004)

When we're all looking for a good book to read, we usually look to our favourite authors and our best friends and trust their recommnendations as to what we should try next. Such as it was for me.The Belgariad was suggested to me by just about everyone I knew who enjoyed fantasy, and a number of ...

Pawn of Prophecy (2004) by David Eddings

Enchanters' End Game (1986)

An ending.I wrote a brief review for book one. Now the series is finished I'll add some more words about the series.Brief review: The final books wraps up the main quest/story line, bring the characters to a final dramatic meeting. Eddings continues his characteristic prose and storytelling, dra...

Enchanters' End Game (1986) by David Eddings

Castle of Wizardry (1984)

"Castle of Wizardry", the penultimate book in Eddings’ Belgariad series, is another bridge novel in the manner of "Queen of Sorcery". While the second novel in the series was really just a sequence of connected vignettes, Wizardry benefits from more developed relationship complications and some i...

Castle of Wizardry (1984) by David Eddings