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Read Series: The Book Of The Long Sun

by Author Gene Wolfe


Nightside the Long Sun (1993)

Wybór "Ciemnej strony Długiego Słońca", jako początku przygody z twórczością Gene Wolfe'a, może wydawać się niezbyt sensownym posunięciem, ponieważ jest to pierwszy tom serii prequeli do najbardziej cenionego przez fanów autora cyklu noszącego tytuł "Księga Nowego Słońca". Na niniejszą książkę pa...

Nightside the Long Sun (1993) by Gene Wolfe

Litany of the Long Sun (2000)

That’s it! I’ve had it. I think having forced my way through the first three books of the Book of the Long Sun, I am entitled to say that I’ve given it a fair shake. Indeed, having also slogged through The Wizard Knight series and Soldier of Sidon, I think I can say that I’ve given Gene Wolfe a...

Litany of the Long Sun (2000) by Gene Wolfe

Epiphany of the Long Sun (2000)

Going to be speaking in a lot of generalities in this review, since I don't want to spoil too much for those who haven't read it.Here we go.Hell yeah. I was hoping Book of the Long Sun would be a worthy follow up to Book of the New Sun. Was not disappointed. Let's get the obvious out of the way -...

Epiphany of the Long Sun (2000) by Gene Wolfe