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Read Series: The Broken Empire

by Author Mark Lawrence


Prince of Thorns (2011)

Readers of books in the "fantasy" genre would be forgiven for holding their breath during the first 50 pages of a new book or series, hoping beyond hope that the standard plot devices that seem absolutely mandatory for these works will manifest in an interesting, compelling, or enjoyable fashion....

Prince of Thorns (2011) by Mark  Lawrence

Emperor of Thorns (2013)

What a book and what a trilogy! Jorg Ancrath is such a well thought out and complex character. Capable such atrocities, yet somehow you still find yourself routing for him in his quest to become emperor.Surrounded by a host of supporting characters who represent such diverse personalities which r...

Emperor of Thorns (2013) by Mark  Lawrence

King of Thorns (2012)

King of Thorns suffers from middle book disease.... After finishing Prince of Thorns, I was really excited about reading the next book in the series and I picked it up right away. Although, it is based on the same motif (and maybe because of it), I didn't like it as much.1. I don't like Jorg. He ...

King of Thorns (2012) by Mark  Lawrence