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Read Series: The Castle Court Kids

by Author Zilpha Keatley Snyder


Ghost Invasion (1995)

Aurora and Kate think there's a ghost or two haunting the Andersons' old barn. On Halloween night they decide to go ghost hunting and find something inside a horse stall.

Ghost Invasion (1995) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

The Diamond War (1995)

Eddy Wong and friends want to cut down a grove of trees to build a baseball diamond, but Kate and Aurora insist that the trees are the magical Unicorn's Grove. By the author of Fool's Gold.

The Diamond War (1995) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

The Box and the Bone (1995)

When Carlos and his pals find buried treasure, they're interrupted and forced to rebury it. Later that night they go back to dig it up but only find an old bone. They just have to find out who has taken the treasure.

The Box and the Bone (1995) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

Secret Weapons (1995)

A lot of the Castle Court kids are working on secret projects for the annual science fair. They're all curious about Web's project, since he's a genius. Then two strange looking men in a black van start lurking around Castle Court.

Secret Weapons (1995) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder