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Read Series: The Chronicles Of The Black Company

by Author Glen Cook


Water Sleeps (2000)

Finally done!Kids, I gotta be honest. This one felt kinda like homework.Sleepy is our narrator this time. She's not fun or funny, which is a drag. But she is a genius at guerrilla warfare, and that is pretty great. She is in charge of a tiny ragtag bunch - Company members not cocooning under ...

Water Sleeps (2000) by Glen Cook

The Black Company (1992)

I've heard this described as "Vietnam War fiction on peyote" and I think that's a pretty accurate description. This is wild, dark, bleak stuff and deserves its reputation as a fantasy classic. While other writers had done a marvelous job of plumbing the depths of gritty, amoral fantasy (Robert E....

The Black Company (1992) by Glen Cook

The Return of the Black Company (2009)

A part of me wanted to like Murgen. But mostly I resented him for not telling the story I wanted to read, especially after the last cliffhanger ending.This book is also a great example of why I typically don't read the sprawling multi-volume epics (and yet what are the sequels to [link: The Chron...

The Return of the Black Company (2009) by Glen Cook

The Silver Spike (1989)

Even though this is probably one of the lesser lights in the Black Company saga, Cook is a gifted enough writer to always keep me enjoying the story. In a genre that tends often tends to the stale he really is a unique voice writing unique stories. The Silver Spike starts right after the momentou...

The Silver Spike (1989) by Glen Cook

Soldiers Live (2001)

Soldiers live. And wonder why.This book is the culmination of all the Taglian centered Black Company novels. It is a fitting end to the book of Croaker, as we have slowly seen the old guard phased out over the novels since the White Rose.Much to my enjoyment, Croaker is finally back as Company An...

Soldiers Live (2001) by Glen Cook

Bleak Seasons (1997)

This is the official 6th book in the Chronicles of the Black Company series, by Glen Cook. It's a little confusing, because you would think that The Silver Spike was the 6th book, (or possibly the 5th), as that is where it is chronologically, but it actually doesn't have a number. I'm not sure as...

Bleak Seasons (1997) by Glen Cook

She is the Darkness (1998)

This book is a definite improvement from the last two books in the series, although Bleak seasons was a good book but I definitely thought that it lagged in some parts and main issue with it was our narrator i.e. Murgen just kept jumping from past to present and it was hard to identify where he w...

She is the Darkness (1998) by Glen Cook

Shadows Linger (1990)

I started this book immediately after I had finished with The black company as I had found the first book to be engaging after 50 pages or so but this book the I think cook has hit his stride from the start, the last book was basically given us to from the pov of Croaker who is basically annalist...

Shadows Linger (1990) by Glen Cook

The Books of the South (2008)

3.5 stars (based on my individual ratings for all three books)The heart is stilled but the corpse stumbles on. The Company is dead in fact but not in name.And we, O merciless gods, stand witness to the power of names.After decades of fighting in the dark empire of the north, the huge and devastat...

The Books of the South (2008) by Glen Cook