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Read Series: The Cousins' War

by Author Philippa Gregory


Ratu Mawar Putih (2011)

This book is not as well written or edited as Gregory's other novels. It was also rather boring.One issue was that the main character seemed to keep changing. Several times it seemed that she became someone else: vulnerable female to conniving and genius political tactician to witch. It just d...

Ratu Mawar Putih (2011) by Philippa Gregory

The White Princess (2013)

Once again with Philippa Gregory's historical fiction I found I had to take this with a grain of salt. If I stop and separate out historical truth I can enjoy her writing much more. I look at it as solely a work of fiction as how she would have liked events to have happened and I find that I ca...

The White Princess (2013) by Philippa Gregory

The White Queen (2009)

Holy fast endings, Batman. Want to read the rest of series. Ms Gregory is a great historical fiction writer of strong women.

The White Queen (2009) by Philippa Gregory