Martin Stone, a survivor of WW3, finds himself in boot camp with the New American Army led by Gen. George Patton III. After a few missions with the army, Stone finds that the general has plans to make himself dictator of a revived America. Craig Sargeant's series offers a chillingly realistic Ame...
A mad priest is spreading a gospel of Hell across America, and Martin Stone--America's last hope for justice and freedom in a lawless and battered land--has come to shut him down. His reason: the priest has kidnapped Stone's sister, and Stone will do anything to bring her to safety.
The radiation-crazed bikers and mutant wildlife are more than enough to keep Martin Stone and his loyal pit bull busy as they search for Stone's missing sister April. But now, Stone's been targeted by an even deadlier enemy--Scalzanni, a psychotic Mafia kingpin who's obsessed with making Stone pa...