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Read Series: The Light Isles

by Author Juliet Marillier


Foxmask (2005)

I've read nearly all of Marillier's books, loving the Sevenwaters trilogy and having mixed feelings about the others. I have not read Wolfskin, the prequel to Foxmask, but read this one anyway because so many of Marillier's fans adore it. My reaction: mixed. This book is a good example of Marilli...

Foxmask (2005) by Juliet Marillier

Wolfskin (2004)

After my ever-so-slightly-disappointed encounter with Son of the Shadows, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from Wolfskin. It can be a painful process to read the work of a beloved author with the knowledge that the novel in your hands is good, but it isn’t the outstanding masterpiece you wer...

Wolfskin (2004) by Juliet Marillier