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Read Series: The Montgomerys And Armstrongs

by Author Maya Banks


Highland Ever After (2000)

omg WHAT IS THE DEAL! I've preordered this book for over a year.... goes from spring 2014 then to November 2014 now to Spring of 2015. Seriously I see all kinda of books being released by u and this pisses me off. I sit patiently waiting for ur book then look again the month it should have been r...

Highland Ever After (2000) by Maya Banks

Au-delà des mots (2014)

I liked the H/h here a lot. Eveline especially is a strong and admirable heroine. We like her even more because she was not weakened by her disability; in fact, she even used it to her advantage.Greame is also a strong and reasonable leader to his clan and sweet as a husband. I was happy to see t...

Au-delà des mots (2014) by Maya Banks

Nunca Seduzas um Escocês (2014)

4,5 starsIt's a very cute romance and after I read where Maya Banks got the inspiration for Eveline it really got into me. It's an amazing tribute to someone so special. The story is simple but represents the conflicts and the living conditions of that time and the power of a love so strong betwe...

Nunca Seduzas um Escocês (2014) by Maya Banks

La force d'aimer (2014)

Unedited review:For the most part the story was really good. I liked the characters and, even though it had been a long time since I'd read the first book, everything came back quickly after a few mentions of the past characters. All was good, except I'm not sure about the progression of the roma...

La force d'aimer (2014) by Maya Banks

Never Seduce a Scot (2012)

That was a great Story. Loved how their relationship developed ... Review to come Always a pleasure to read a novel by Maya Banks

Never Seduce a Scot (2012) by Maya Banks

Highlander Most Wanted (2013)

Brief summaryThe story is about abused women(Genevieve) who finds her champion(Bowen). 1st book in the series-Never Seduce a Scot- must be read 1st before reading this book ,especially if you want to understand all the characters of the book. The end of book 1 is the beginning of book 2. Genevie...

Highlander Most Wanted (2013) by Maya Banks