I was already frustrated with the arrogance and conceit of Princess Sultana from the second book, but I was hopeful the 3rd book would be more enlightening and demonstrate some positive changes in Sultana's progress as a champion for women's rights. Instead this book just highlighted how f'ing c...
I finished this book and set it aside, wanting to immediately write an incensed rage review at a world where inequalities like this still exist and atrocities are still committed against women in the name of religion. Granted, a lot of what occurs to our Sultana and her relatives and friends can ...
Gara2 baca ebook yang The Princess, jadi penasaran ama lanjutan kisahnya Putri Sultana. Cm karna ga nemu ebooknya, yaa.. akhirnya waktu ke Gramedia kmrn beli juga buku lanjutannya. Ceritanya masih seputar kehidupan Sultana, tapi kali ini agak lebih fokus ke anak-anaknya, dan wanita-wanita disekel...