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Read Series: The Soldier Son Trilogy

by Author Robin Hobb


Renegade's Magic (2008)

** spoiler alert ** I love Robin Hobb. I really do. I’ve reread the Farseer trilogy a couple of times over the years. I loved Tawny Man. (Not so much the Madship series, but there you are.) But this Soldier Son trilogy… It’s unique; there’s a lot in it that I’ve never seen before. The chara...

Renegade's Magic (2008) by Robin Hobb

Forest Mage (2006)

First let me say that I have another series on my shelf by Robin Hobb. When I started this trilogy I noted from others who had read it and reviewed it that several of them said it was far from Robin Hobb's best work. Several also said if you haven't read anything by Robin Hobb don't start here. S...

Forest Mage (2006) by Robin Hobb

Shaman's Crossing (2006)

I really haven't read enough Robin Hobb. She has flown under my radar, mostly because my first encounters with her were through the library, and I have this bad habit of checking out books in the middle of the series (ahem, Golden Fool) and then wondering what the hell is going on. Last year I ...

Shaman's Crossing (2006) by Robin Hobb