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Read Series: The Sorrowful Mysteries Of Brother Athelstan

by Author Paul Doherty


The Nightingale Gallery (2001)

It's has been quite awhile since I last read a Paul Doherty historical mystery so I had forgotten his ability to transport magically to a specific time and place with his descriptive narrative. Sadly though, the story is set in the Middle Ages where the smell of body sweat, rotting sewage and gen...

The Nightingale Gallery (2001) by Paul Doherty

Murder Most Holy (1993)

In the early summer of 1379 in London, Sir John Cranston, Coroner of the city, is trapped into a wager with Signior Gian Galeazzo, Lord of Cremona, who challenges him to resolve a certain murder mystery within two weeks. Men have been found dead in the scarlet chamber of one of Cremona's manors. ...

Murder Most Holy (1993) by Paul Doherty

The Anger of God (2001)

In autumn 1379, the power of the British crown is invested in John of Gaunt, and the kingdom is seething with discontent. The French are attacking the southern ports and peasants are planning a revolt organized by a mysterious leader who proclaims himself “IRA DEI,” the anger of God. Meanwhile Ga...

The Anger of God (2001) by Paul Doherty

The Field of Blood (1999)

Some stories will fit in any setting and this is one. Let the world hear about a possible buried treasure and large numbers will set out to find and claim it, even allowing for the crown's claim on treasure trove. In fact, the crown itself in the person of John of Gaunt, the Lord Protector, might...

The Field of Blood (1999) by Paul Doherty

The Assassin's Riddle (1997)

It is the summer of 1380 and the corpse of Edwin Chapler—clerk of the Office of the Green Wax of the Chancery—has been pulled from the Thames. Though Chapler’s death was caused by drowning, he also received a vicious blow to the back of the head before his plunge into the river. Bartholomew Drayt...

The Assassin's Riddle (1997) by Paul Doherty

The House of the Red Slayer (1992)

I decided to give the series a second go after not really enjoying the first, and perhaps unsurprisingly, I didn't particularly enjoy the second book in this series either. I really wanted to, and tried hard, but in the end, no. I even put it down for several months before deciding to finish th...

The House of the Red Slayer (1992) by Paul Doherty

The House of Crows (2001)

I've enjoyed all of the books in the Brother Athelstan series, and read several of Harding's (aka P.C. Doherty and other names) other mystery series, generally finding them extremely well-researched and well-written if at times a bit dry and humorless. "House of Crows" was a delight, however, wit...

The House of Crows (2001) by Paul Doherty

By Murder's Bright Light (1994)

Pendant l'hiver 1379, l'Angleterre doit affronter une multitudes de troubles. Des pirates français attaquent la côte sud et menacent Londres. Sir John Cranston, le corpulent coroner de la ville, grand amateur de vin, a, lui aussi, des problèmes. Il doit non seulement juger des accusations en sorc...

By Murder's Bright Light (1994) by Paul Doherty