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Read Series: The Talent

by Author Anne McCaffrey


Pegasus in Flight (2000)

Taking place about 80 yrs after To Ride Pegasus Rhyssa Owen, granddaughter of Daffyd op Owen, is now the Director of the Center for Parapsychic Talents on the North American East Coast. Along with many descendants of the original members, Rhyssa is under extreme pressure to provide kinetics to co...

Pegasus in Flight (2000) by Anne McCaffrey

Pegasus in Space (2001)

To Ride Pegasus, Damia, The Rowan, Pegasus in Flight, and Pegasus in Space, Anne McCaffrey - I was lending a couple of these to a friend, and was struck by the urge to re-read them first. They have, as I'd expected, been visited by the Suck Fairy, but not as badly as some of her others; I still q...

Pegasus in Space (2001) by Anne McCaffrey

To Ride Pegasus (2000)

I like Anne McCaffrey’s works because of her straightforward, no-nonsense writing style, and To Ride Pegasus definitely met my expectations. The four short stories included in To Ride Pegasus are very fast-paced and driven by the storyline, and McCaffrey created clear-cut protagonists and antagon...

To Ride Pegasus (2000) by Anne McCaffrey