In Deluge the selkie twins, Ronan and Murel, leave Petaybee on a mission to help rescue their friend Marmie, who has been falsely arrested on the orders of a corrupt Colonel. However, the Colonel has more power in the Company than they realized and they end up being imprisoned themselves and take...
SUMMARY:The Shongili twins, Ronan and Murel, accompany their friend Marmie on her luxury space craft Piaf to rescue their friend Ke-ola's family from an uninhabitable planet. They arrive to find the planet in the midst of a terrible meteor storm and when they go down to the surface find that the ...
Changelings is the result of a collaboration: Anne McCaffrey (of The Dragonriders of Pern fame) and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough (The Healer's War). Although both are fine writers, I found this book less than the talents of either, rather than even just the sum of their abilities. The story takes pl...