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Read Series: The Unicorn Trilogy

by Author Claire Delacroix


Pearl Beyond Price (1995)

Black Wind, the Mongols hailed him. Swift, fierce and proud. Yet Kira looked upon Thierry de Pereille and saw, not a man marked by legend, but a warrior who had taken her from the life she knew . . . to a place beyond her wildest dreams.The woman was a witch. Truly, who else could make pearls dro...

Pearl Beyond Price (1995) by Claire Delacroix

Unicorn Vengeance (1995)

Drawn Together By Destiny Genevieve de Pereille's music echoed in the hollows of Wolfram's heart, pulling him into an unfamiliar world where his knightly vows faded to a distant murmur. The secret heir to an ancient legacy, she held him fast with the timeless power of love. With silver hair and...

Unicorn Vengeance (1995) by Claire Delacroix