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Read Series: Tomorrow

by Author John Marsden


The Night is For Hunting (2007)

Our teen heroes are forced to evacuate Stratton with a bunch of feral orphan children when the soldiers get too close. Upon returning to Hell, the children decide to abandon the teens, who now feel responsible for them. After being rescued, they then celebrate Christmas.The plot doesn’t sound tha...

The Night is For Hunting (2007) by John Marsden

Burning For Revenge (2006)

This is the one where they accidentally manage to blow up the airport. Yay! They are back to being the insanely destructive, brilliantly successful ruthless terrorists we know and love. And they're more psychologically messed up than ever. Marsden throws in a few wombat and platypus subplots a...

Burning For Revenge (2006) by John Marsden

The Other Side of Dawn (2007)

Almost my favourite in the series...except that I didn't want it to end, so that put a damper on things. The characters' descent into senseless (and dangerously unplanned ) violence for the sake of it was depressing but believable.Here's my review of the series as a whole....When The Wire first ...

The Other Side of Dawn (2007) by John Marsden

Tomorrow, When the War Began (2006)

Like many, many others I was captivated by Suzanne Collins's THE HUNGER GAMES. It hooked me with its pulse pounding action, nightmarish vision of the future, and most of all its strong, capable female lead and wouldn't let me go. I finished it in one sitting. Unlike many others I was less impress...

Tomorrow, When the War Began (2006) by John Marsden

The Dead of Night (2006)

Our poor heroes aren’t so plucky and full of bravado anymore, not since Corrie was shot in the back and Kevin took her to the hospital. But the gang decide they can’t sit around forever: they need more supplies for living in Hell, and they want to see if Corrie’s OK, and they need to take some ac...

The Dead of Night (2006) by John Marsden

A Killing Frost (2006)

This review contains unavoidable spoilers for the first and second books in The Tomorrow Series but minimal spoilers on A Killing Frost so read at your discretion. Ready? Okay!It’s easy to think that there is no way Ellie and Co. can top the demolition of a bridge and the destruction of an entir...

A Killing Frost (2006) by John Marsden

Darkness, Be My Friend (2006)

I have this little aversion to buying more than one book in a series at a time. What if I end up with, for example, books two, three and four, but I don’t like one of them? Chances are I’ll dislike the next one just as much. Well, I bought books three and four in the Tomorrow series shortly after...

Darkness, Be My Friend (2006) by John Marsden