The residents of Bradfield are devastated when their star midfielder dies, the victim of a bizarre, seemingly motiveless murder. In a hospital, recovering from injuries, criminal profiler and psychologist Dr. Tony Hill struggles to make sense of the fragments of information he can gather in ord...
I have given this 4 stars, and must ask myself why, rather than 5 such as I gave to The Wire In The Blood and The Last Temptation.This is book 4 of a series that currently stands at 9 books. The first was published in 1995, the 9th just a few weeks ago in 2015. She's not churning them out putting...
This was the second in the Tony Hill/Carol Jordan series. Tony Hill is teaching the art of psychological "profiling" to a small group of young police officers, who show varying degrees of interest and acceptance. One, however, a young live-wire called Shaz Bowman, believes she has identified the ...
Can we just say *** PLACEHOLDER *** to all her books now? Um. Quick recollection: apt, echoing title on many levels. Multi-layered plot set in Europe, mostly Berlin. A serial killer whose own suffering might just have been a bit worse than the one he later inflicted. A modern high-flyer criminal ...