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Read Series: Twilight Of The Empire

by Author Simon R. Green


Hellworld (1993)

Романът на практика е една от първите книги от обширната поредица-космическа опера DeathStalker. Имаме налице една Империя, която постоянно се разраства и непрекъснато колонизира нови и нови светове. Немалка част от тези светове са, меко казано - враждебни. Такъв е и Улф IV, на който попадат геро...

Hellworld (1993) by Simon R. Green

Mistworld (1992)

Shielded from Imperial attack by the powerful espers who have sought refuge there, Mistworld--the haven for outlaws, rebels, and misfits--faces a new threat from a shadowy figure intent on stalking its streets.

Mistworld (1992) by Simon R. Green

Ghostworld (1993)

The author of Hawk and Fisher continues the danger begun in Mistworld. A mining colony on the distant planet Ghostworld has broken contact with the Empire. All transmissions are dead, like the planet itself. Captain John Silence leads an investigation to discover the cause--and what he finds will...

Ghostworld (1993) by Simon R. Green