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Read Series: Two Medicine Trilogy

by Author Ivan Doig


English Creek (2005)

In this prize-winning portrait of a time and place—Montana in the 1930s—that at once inspires and fulfills a longing for an explicable past, Ivan Doig has created one of the most captivating families in American fiction, the McCaskills. The witty and haunting narration, a masterpiece of vernacul...

English Creek (2005) by Ivan Doig

Dancing at the Rascal Fair (1996)

The central volume in Ivan Doig's acclaimed Montana trilogy, Dancing at the Rascal Fair is an authentic saga of the American experience at the turn of this century and a passionate, portrayal of the immigrants who dared to try new lives in the imposing Rocky Mountains. Ivan Doig's supple tale of...

Dancing at the Rascal Fair (1996) by Ivan Doig