[7/10]After three Amelia Peabody Egyptian mysteries, I decided to branch out and try something else by the author. Enters Fraulein Bliss, a contemporary (cca. 1973) American art historian, feminist alter ego of Indiana Jones, hunting for lost treasures among the tombs of the past. Borrower of th...
This was a quick read because (1.) it's a pretty short book, and (2.) I got interested and just couldn't put it down.Vicky Bliss really is an immensely attractive character. She's fun and rather full of herself. She spends an inordinate amount of time revealing her measurements and discussing h...
Our mystery book club members had to read a book that involved treasures stolen from Germany during World War II. I read Elizabeth Peter's book, Trojan Gold. I've never read any of the Vickie Bliss mysteries and this is the fourth in the series. I enjoyed the book, although the fact that every ma...
Vicky Bliss, a brain with a body like a centerfold, often has a tough time getting people to take her seriously. But when it comes to medieval history, this blonde beauty knows her stuff -- and she's a master at solving mysteries that would turn the art world upside down.Vicky gasped at the sight...
Both my wife and I have been great fans of Peters' Amelia Peabody series of stories. So I was looking forward to dipping into one of the novels in this series but found myself less than engaged.It's not the problem of the story. Vicky Bliss, an assistant curator in the Munich National Museum is e...