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Read Series: Wired

by Author Sabrina York


Tristan's Temptation (2013)

Loved Tristan's story! He was the one with the rule, no fishing in the pond, no hooking up with coworkers. His brother had broken that rule but got a happy ending. Tristan and Shannon have just been fantasizing.... but with a new twist, with computer software. With a mistake they find out the oth...

Tristan's Temptation (2013) by Sabrina York

Adam's Obsession (2012)

That was really, really good! This starts out as an on-line sex-buddy story with snippets of real life sneaking into the fantasy. You are well into the story before real life and fantasy life explode together, and wow, it is explosive!!That is what the book is all about very, very hot and sexy sc...

Adam's Obsession (2012) by Sabrina York

Senza Via Di Fuga (2014)

The second book with Kira Miller and Donald Desh. The first book was pretty good. This follow-up was silly. Characters that died, that didn't, crazy escapes that really made no sense, allies that we or were not or something. A page turner, yes, but really could have used some plot editing. L...

Senza Via Di Fuga (2014) by Douglas E. Richards